Care at Bendigo Chiropractic
There are many different chiropractic techniques, each with the same purpose: to restore movement and improve function. At the Bendigo Chiropractic Centre, we use a gentle low force framework of chiropractic care called SOT (Sacro Occipital Technique) and incorporate a variety of other techniques to maximize patient outcomes.
SOT is a comprehensive, gentle and innovative system of Chiropractic developed over the last 100 years. It is so named to acknowledge the relationship between the sacrum (base of the spine) and the occiput (base of the skull).
SOT sometimes involves the use of blocks placed under the pelvis to gently restore proper function and alignment. Corrections are made as the combined effects of the the weight of the body, correct block placement and the mechanics of the patient's breathing facilitate stability and balance to the pelvis. The intricate study and art of cranial procedures (adjustments to the joints of the skull) to influence the nervous system is central to SOT.
At the Bendigo Chiropractic Centre all our practitioners are experienced and proficient in the delivery of SOT.
Many people seek out our centre to have this type of gentle chiropractic care. SOT care is a particularly attractive option to parents who are choosing chiropractic care for their babies and children, and also for those who may have particular conditions that respond to low force adjustments.
Sometimes a small hand held instrument called an 'activator' is used to gently adjust joints. Some patients prefer manual adjustments and where this is appropriate we honour that choice. Importantly, we know that every ‘body’ we care for is unique.