More and more people are consulting chiropractic doctors for health care in their later years. Chiropractic offers a natural drug free approach to improving joint function and mobility.
Many older people begin chiropractic care because they are experiencing pain related to their back, their neck or headaches. Some older people have a more complicated health history that may include arthritis and degenerative joint disease.
This pain can impede activity, affect sleep and prevent older people from enjoying time with friends and family.
Improving spinal function through chiropractic adjustments and exercises may improve movement, reduce pain and allow people to lead active healthy lives.
The adjusting techniques used by our chiropractors provide for maximum comfort and results. At the Bendigo Chiropractic Centre our chiropractors are experienced in caring for people of all ages and modifying our techniques to address different body types and different conditions.
As we get older and wiser, the simplicity and effectiveness of chiropractic care becomes more obvious.
Please call us on 54439744 to book an appointment.